• Tramitar la nacionalidad española y la residencia en España. Abogados de Extranjería en Madrid.

Personas en Movimiento

Immigration Law

People on the Move

There are many reasons why people emigrate: economic reasons, search for a better quality of life, work relocation, fear of a critical situation in their country of origin, reunite with other family members…

People on the move are all of those who are not in their country of origin and are building a new life in another place, both temporarily or permanently.

Immigration law

Legal immigration services and asylum law.

Are you planning on moving to Spain? Do you feel anxious about the emigration process?Do you need legal advice on how to apply for a visa? Are you unsure about where to begin? Do you want to know if you are allowed to work with your student visa?

There are many doubts that  people who have moved to Spain or planning to do so might face, as well as companies who want to hire migrants. It is important that you receive the best legal advice, and because each case is handled individually, we ensure you receive the support you deserve.

What is an Invitation Letter? How do I get my criminal record in Spain? Which are the steps to obtain the registration of residency? How to get the spanish passport? Do you want to know how to register to get an EU certificate?

When you first move to a different country, everything seems tough, specially when you don’t speak the country’s language. There is a lot of paperwork that needs to be done. Registering in the town hall, getting a social security number assigned, going to the immigration office, obtaining a foreigner’s identity number (NIE), opening a bank account…

For more information on what other services we can also assist you with, don’t hesitate to get in touch.


+34 914686082 / +34 653137729

About Me

Jimena Domínguez Hernández

  • Member of the Madrid Bar Association (Colegio de Abogados de Madrid), number 128665.
  • Criminal duty solicitor.
  • Winner of the Sections 2020 Award of the Madrid Bar Association – immigration section. See more.
Jimena Domínguez Hernández, abogada especialista en extranjería e inmigración. Derecho de Extranjería. Madrid.
  • Degree in Law by the Universidad Complutense of Madrid.
  • Masters Degree for the Access to the Legal Profession at CEF (Centro de Estudios Financieros).
  • Masters in International Solidarity Action and Social Inclusion by Universidad Carlos III of Madrid.
  • Specialized courses at the Madrid Bar Association on Criminal Law, Immigration Law, and Family.
  • Mobility, Nationality and Immigration Law Expert Certification at CEF (Centro de Estudios Financieros).

Professional experience at:

  • General Consulate of Spain in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
  • Government Delegation for Gender-based Violence in Madrid.
  • Law firms specialized in Criminal and Immigration Law.
  • Social Services Legal Guidance in Villalba, Madrid.

Volunteer Legal Advice at the Fundación ADRA (Agencia Adventista para el Desarrollo y Recursos Asistenciales)

Always included

  • Accompaniment to all administrative and judicial processes

  • Attendance outside Madrid if needed.

  • Continuous update on the process status.

  • Provision of an address for notifications at our office, so you do not have to worry about receiving documentation.

Save our contact information

Let’s talk

T.: +34 914686082 / +34 653137729


    Contact us through WhatsApp, phone or email, and book your appointment. It is important that you try to explain the topic to be treated in the meeting, so we can evaluate if you need to bring any specific documentation. We can also do online meetings through Skype.

  • You don’t live in Madrid? Don’t worry, as long as your process does not require your presence (ie: immigration-related renewals), we wil ask you to send us an scan of the necessary documentation, and we will start the process ourselves. If the process does require physical presence, I can travel to accompany you.



    During this appointment, we will meet and get to know your case. I will also provide you with a personalized quotation for the service, and an explanatory dossier of the process. Every case is different – some cases already have some documents filled in, and others require to start working from scratch – hence, each quotation is different.

  • The existing costs of this first appointment will be deducted from the final fees.



    Once you decide to choose me as your lawyer, we will sign the Engagement Letter, and get to work!

  • You will have a continuous update of the process at all times, as it will be me who receives the notifications needed to respond to potential deadlines and requirements.


The Law Firm

where we are

T.: +34 914686082 / +34 653137729

Office Hours
Monday – Thursday: from 10:00 to 14:00 and from 16:00 to 19:00
Friday: from 10:00 to 14:00

The firm is located in Madrid, near Atocha´s Station.

The address is: Calle Ronda de Atocha 37
Metro: Emabjadores (Line 3)
Bus: 27, 34, 36, 41, 60, 119, 148, C1, C2, C03 and M1

Success Stories

“Llevaba más de dos años en España como estudiante, y quería empezar a trabajar, había recibido una oferta, pero no era del mismo sector que mi Máster y no sabía si sería un problema. Finalmente pude obtener un permiso de trabajo a jornada parcial durante el tiempo de vigencia de mis estudios”

“Después de varios años de relación, me trasladé a Senegal y me casé con mi pareja. Ahora queremos ir a España, y necesitaba saber cómo obtener el visado como familiar de ciudadano UE. Este año hemos realizado la inscripción del matrimonio en el Consulado”

“Mis hijos querían venir a España desde Filipinas, pero no sabía que vías existían para regularizarles. Como mi marido es español, Jimena nos dijo que podíamos tramitar la nacionalidad por opción, ya que eran menores de 20 años.
Ya llevamos todos juntos más de un año en España”

“Después de más de 10 años en España nos decidimos a presentar la solicitud de nacionalidad española por residencia. En apenas tres meses tuvimos la resolución e hicimos la jura en el Registro Civil de Ávila”

“Quería contratar a Karen como empleada de hogar, pero estaba en situación irregular y no sabíamos qué teníamos que hacer. Al llevar más de tres años en España, pudo presentar la solicitud de residencia por circunstancias excepcionales con la oferta de trabajo que le hicimos. Ahora va a renovar su permiso de residencia tras un año trabajando con nosotros.”

“Llevo muchos años en España, primero como solicitante de asilo, y después con un permiso por razones humanitarias.
Quería obtener un permiso de residencia y trabajo, así que Jimena presentó la modificación y en un mes tenía la resolución favorable del permiso de dos años”

“Vinimos como turistas a España, pero decidimos quedarnos. Mi marido tiene nacionalidad italiana, así que tras solicitar el certificado de ciudadano UE, iniciamos los trámites para obtener el permiso como familiar de ciudadano comunitario”